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I'm Shawn Kauenhofen, and I'm excited to share my passion for creating innovative solutions. Tiny Design Lab was born out of a desire to showcase some of the projects I’ve worked on and help inspire academics and researchers who may be unsure where to start with their ideas. If you need guidance or support, I'm here to provide the expertise you need to bring your project to fruition, from small graphics to device prototypes.

Recent Projects

I have the ability to turn your ideas into reality. Whether you're in need of a brand new website, an update to an existing one, or a unique web-based solution, I can help you achieve your goals. Take a look through my portfolio to see the level of quality and range of projects I have completed.


Professor Pages

Professor Pages

Being an academic can be challenging due to limited resources, competing demands, and unreliable students. Tiny Design Lab was conceived to fill those gaps, by providing innovative solutions that streamline the research process, and increase collaboration among researchers. These tools are tailored to the unique needs of the academic community and are designed to maximize efficiency and productivity in the pursuit of new knowledge and discovery.

These projects that I have undertaken, both as part of my coursework and as independent work, have been instrumental in developing my creative skills and expanding my knowledge of key technologies. The diverse range of projects has provided me with the opportunity to apply my learning in real-world scenarios and to constantly push the boundaries of my abilities.